Historische Uitgeverij; Beijing Book Fair 2011
Dutch landscapes and clouds: tradition and perception
Patrick Everard, Historische Uitgeverij

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IN THE MORE THAN twenty-five years of its existence, the Historische Uitgeverij has become a well-known presence in the Dutch-speaking cultural domain. Having established itself as a small but ambitious publishing house, the Historische Uitgeverij has consistently proved to be an independent and innovative spirit. It has attracted attention by securing funding from highly regarded sources, support from respected authors and a typographical design that is both striking and elegant. Several of its publications have been distinguished with awards. It is active on the crossroads of history, literature, the sciences, art, philosophy and psychology, presenting original work by Dutch scholars as well as translations of great European thinkers, writers and poets, from the ancients like Aristotle, Lucrece and Hadewijch, to humanists like Dante, Vico and Pico, to more modern writers like Descartes, Burke and Baudelaire.
Historische Uitgeverij’s programme finds inspiration in Nietzsche’s second Untimely meditation: On the advantage and disadvantage of history for life. This was published in an acclaimed translation in 1983; with every reprint a new essay is ad-ded, offering fresh insights by a prominent philosopher. Nietzsche’s treatise can be read as a plea for lively, courageous learning and for free and revitalising contact with our common cultural heritage. For this reason Historische Uitgeverij seeks to promote creative interdisciplinary crossovers and to sustain the search for new perspectives in the humanities. This is achieved through the publication of essays, studies and translations that show a clear interaction between up-to-date advanced academic research, the cultural legacy of the past and the demands of a modern readership.
One of the results of this attempt to take tradition out of the museum and to make it a matter of topical concern, is the series ‘rhetoric & philosophy’. This series offers a rediscovery of sometimes neglected but nonetheless attractive classical authors such as Lysias, Valla or Quintilian. New translations have made the philosophy of Epicurus accessible to the public and have shed a refreshing light on well-known texts by Virgil and Horace. An unparalleled project in this field is the translation of the works of Aristotle by a team of internationally renowned specialists. In this way, the Historische Uitgeverij underlines the relevance of the classical tradition for contemporary culture and debates.
It is the intention of Historische Uitgeverij to make an active contribution to the renewal of history and philosophy. For this reason it publishes well written works, full of vitality, by internationally acclaimed authors such as Douwe Draaisma, an eloquent master of memory; Frank Ankersmit, a passionate champion of the historical experience; Jelle Reumer, a clear-eyed and thought-provoking observer of the evolution, and young and original thinkers, such as the compelling Luuk van Middelaar, a fearless historian of the present

Beijing International Book Fair

On August 31st the 18th Beijing International Book Fair, BIBF, opens its gates. It is a 4 day event that will be held at the China International Exhibition Center and has been gaining in importance and attention over the recent years. In fact, it is considered to be a major stepping stone for those who have set their sights on the Chinese market.

The fair will be open from August 31st till September 4th 2011, with the last day only open to the public. It is one of the largest Book fairs in the world with an ever increasing demand for English language titles. Both the number of publishers and number of visitors has been increasing year by year.

The principle of the BIBF over the past 25 years, since its inception in 1986 is ‘’introducing excellent books from around the world into China and leading Chinese books to the world ’’. The exhibition will have a general Publishing Zone, a Digital Publishing Zone and will continue not only to run but expand the Children’s Book, Cartoons & Animation Zone, Periodical zone, Publishing On Demand zone and the Rights Center.

Each year the BIBF has a guest country of honor and this year’s country of honor will be the Netherlands. The slogan which the Netherlands have chosen for the 2011 BIBF is ‘’Open Landscape, Open Book’’. At the fair the Netherlands will present the work of Dutch author and biologist Tijs Goldschmidts and his highly awarded book ‘’Darwin’s Dream Pond’’, a book which has won seven Chinese awards. Also at the Dutch Pavilion a range of Rare books and exhibits will be presented such as: the letters of Vincent van Gogh, as well as the several Dutch children’s books and illustrated works of Max Velthuijs, who was the winner of the major and prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Prize.

BIBF is one of the top Book fairs of the world and certainly the most important Book Fair in Asia. Indeed, it should be noted that China is the largest book market in the world by volume and a great opportunity for Rare book trading and searching.